Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Because my mind refuses to conform...

I was at work mopping the floor. One of my least favorite duties; since like, forever. Seriously.
However, my spirits will not be dampened! (Wow, no pun intended) I manage to change the channel "up there", letting my mind stray where it will.

It landed on the actual action of Mopping... (back, forth, back forth) A co-worker came by and asked me if I was stressed. Then came the retort: "Why would I be stressed? I'm mopping a floor."
The repetitive strokes on the floor set the tempo of the amount of disinterested questions coming to my attention. Who discovered the act of mopping? What is the first thing that was ever mopped up? And more importantly, did anyone care enough? I was fading as it is... And after skimming over a very informative "DUH"! Wikipedia article about the Art of Mopping (Said sarcastically, mind you!), I still hate doing it! :-P
So, to laugh in the face of mopping, here are a couple strips. Enjoy laughing at my expense. :-)

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